We also provide consultation for specific products – step by step, from setting up of your manufacturing facilities to getting BIS certification license. In case you wonder why you might need a consultancy to get your BIS License, read on.
How Useful is a Consultancy Service for BIS Certification License?
Consultancy or engagement of a third party to help you get BIS License is not mandatory. In fact, it is not an official recommendation from BIS.
However, it can be challenging to navigate through all the requirements and compliance to the various aspects of getting a license for your product.
While you, as a manufacturer, are no doubt experienced and well versed with the production technology and know-how and maintaining quality, applying for a Certification license involves various paperwork and requirements other than the technical process.
An experience and professional consultant can help you prepare for all the requirement for applying for a new BIS License.
For a certain fee you can leave all these preparation and headache to someone who knows the ins and outs of this whole process – from documentation to preparation of sample to assisting during inspection at your factory.
Can I Manage Without Hiring a Consultant?
Probably yes. You can do all the work by yourself if you are determined to do so. This will require time and a good amount of preparation at your end.
It’s definitely doable. You might need at least a trip or two to your local BIS branch office for a start. Then you will have to prepare documentation of all records from scratch.
Since the entire process will be new to you, it may be an easier and better choice to engage someone who has experience for the purpose.
Where Can I Find Consultants for My Project?
Consultants are everywhere. You will find a host of consultants – both individual and organisations. While some are experienced and charges higher fees, some individuals may charge lower fees but the service will be reflective of the fee.
We can provide the best and professional service for all your requirements from start to finish. We also offer service for annual maintenance of your license(s) at a nominal charge.
To get the best service in the Industry, get in touch with our team today!